7 Reason Why You Might Not Ended Up Doing Your Passion as Your Main Job, And That's Okay

by - 1:40 AM

Just like other millennials, i am also having a phase where i don't belong to the office or job that i am working on. I am not bad at it, i just don't feel like this is what i was supposed to do! I have low motivation to behave what i should behave, and i don't feel like i am inspire enough to  be part of anything!

And recently, i just watched a viral video from Simon Sinek, marketing consultant and also motivational speakers whom just explained all the mess with Millennials workers. (if you weren't watch it yet, check out bellow)

As millennials, i don't have any argument against his point of view. I admit it, this generation are the product of spoiled parenting and misconduct of technology usage. Our parents, the baby boomer, thinks what they've been through a lot in their live and doesn't want their children to have same experience as they are. And when they busy not teaching their kids basic social human being, they also drown their kids in technology that just arise in early 90s. From classic Nintendo games to complicated XBox adventure. From Nokia 3310 that able to send text from alphanumeric keypad to iPhone 7 qwerty touch screen that can take millions of useless selfie with high def.

We've been taught so much to love ourselves more, to be proud with every little things that we have. Which is good, but also bad for competition. We were taught to live happily but not to work ambitiously. Our movie is all about to achieve great happiness in our personal life before anything. We were unconsciously designed to be quitter instead of fighter. Don't like the boss, just quit, million of company accept undergraduate employee. Don't like salary, just be an asshole in the company. Even if we like what we have, the pressure from parents and other significant others are hard to avoid. And sometimes, since the pressure come really strong, its absorb to your skin and became depression.

And if all of that not already hard enough to live with. We also facing the reality that some of us is easily master this whole situation. Becoming what so called, Youtube star, Insta Celeb, travel blogger, food blogger, DJ. And that's people are own the game and money in today society!

Then how? How millennials that still believe in making career to corporation, could be productive in a work space without get distracted by their own phone? To be honest, i don't know. Because i also still struggling with that problem. But, i know some way to make you, millennials worker, be still function in baby boomer corporate world without throwing away your millennials free spirit!

1. You Can Focus on What You Love
Working on your passion can be turn out great but also can turn out as crazy obsession. So, that's why work on something different from your main passion is healthy. But dont throw you passion away. Try to develop it, little by little, do your passion in your own time but with full forces. Me, personally writing is always my passion. Share the story with my point of view, thankfully i can entertain or inspire others from that. And luckily, i am able to do my passion as professional job for 4 years. Until, last year, i have to say goodbye forever to Corporate Media, dying print media. Then? What i do it now? Being sad unemployed person, or i take other job opportunity? No, i still writing, on my own time, and with my own command. And now when i go to work, i know i will finish my job as soon (and flawlessly) as possible so i can gather all the material i want to write in my own blog. Sometimes i help my friends to write in their magazine as contributor too. Since i got the time and no agenda, i feel more independent.

2. Times to Make New Best Friend
You job sucks but at least you make a great allies. Talk to your friends, or a guy from different division with you. Make a great allies. Share your problem. You might not solve the problem, but at least you can be each others. Make sure you make a perfect allies, so you can be each other back up when it needed. Because baby, there is a lot office back stabber (i will write about that in the next post)!

3. Learn to Commit
For baby boomer, its easy to obey the rules. For us, the millennials, while even our parents never yelled at us, obey to something simple can be pain in the ass. But, don't quit. Try the rules. Set your alarm earlier, dress more proper, listen more. And if that's feels so hard, treat yourself with a gift. If i had one week full without being late, i always let myself eat something fancy or buy something impulsive. Like shoes or books. Is not how much you want to be part of the office. But look at this just like a games that you should accomplished in finish line. Get more and more extra credit so you can have better level.

4. More Confident
Being in corporate office, sometimes mean to look the same. That's why almost big corporation (in Indonesia) have uniform. That's normal if you hate it! Since you always been told to be proud with who you are, now you asked to act just like others. But, again, hate doesn't equal with quit. Be a guy or girls that have strong personality. Be funny. Be quirky. Be as emo/loner as you want. Have strong personality that hard to forget. With strong personality, you might also develop new opportunity. Maybe new position, who knows?

5. Able to Learn Something New
This might seems classic reason but its true. Expertise in something you love to do sounds awesome, but able to know your capability in other aspect of life its beautiful too. Often people who only do what he passionate to do, like photography or architecture, doesn't know how administration works or how the banks work. And then, they always need to assist at every aspect in his or her life to make those kind decision.

6. More For Family and Friends
Since you not living in your passion, you can share your day and life with the loved ones. With the important one. And play your passion as an hobby or free time. And my friends,that what people called stable life!

7. You Can Redefine Success
Since you out of the "passion job", now you can redefine what is happy for you. What is success for you? Able to work on time and get everything done flawlessly. And then maybe you can also growth your career inside the company. Well, why not?

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  1. like they said, passion is overrated anyways. you do what you gotta do. *anaknya bitter. bitter ballen. :P

  2. Oemji aku gak tau ada komen dari kamu. Hahaha yoyoy kak!
