5 Way To Survive Pilkada Without Losing Any Friends
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Living in the land of democracy, freedom of speech and share our thought and concern were guaranteed by government. But, as part of society, we also know basic human decency. Don't hurt anyone if you don't want to get hurt. Treat people like you want to be treated! You know, something like that! And as we entry an election time, we suddenly forget all of that. Your high school friends suddenly expertise in religion. Your former work colleague out of nowhere rant and rant about how shitty their lives under current government. And your relatives keep repost hoax news or false old information that related with one of candidate. Long story short, you feel like you surrounded by radical fake news zombie that craving your indecision-non-prejudice-smarty-brain. They want you to make sure, people like you don't vote bad people. And how they do that? Yap! With hoax news, and radical religious point of view. They want you to feel sin for not supporting them!
It is horrible. How people change drastically for politic. How easy people voice controlled by higher power. It is horrible but it is no strange at all. We've been through a lot of this shitty shady business called an election. From peaceful march until bloody riot (#menolaklupa). So, how? How we survive this Pilkada DKI Jakarta (yes, its only Jakarta but the heat is affect entire nation!) without unfriended so many people (in social media and real life) but still being smart voter.
1. Don't Start The Fire
Whatever or whoever you are vote for in this election please make sure you are not throw sparks of hatred in social media FIRST! If you getting attacked its okay to reply them but never be the one who start the #commentwar!
2. Positive Vibe
Related with number one, never throw any trash talk to other candidate. Instead, share the best and the most positive side about your candidate. Because, quotes from my girl Michelle Obama, "if they go low, you go high".
3. Re-Check Others Mistake
Don't reply hateful speech with hateful speech. My best suggestion is shut up and ignore. But if you really need to talk back everyone in social media. Outsmarted them with fact check.
4. Don't Get Too Emotional
Please put your emotion in the right places. Seeing your daughter assaulted, watching someone slaughter other human being, knowing you wife just deliver your healthy baby, that kind of stuff you should put most of your emotion. Don't feel extremely angry just because some dude said bad stuff to your candidate. Don't attack people just because you think you are right!
5. Get Your Shit Together
Fine! It is important for the city that you loved lead by a great man. But also, it is important to know that your family still want you at their house, your friend still want to talk with you about their personal stuff, your relatives still... i dont know, asked you when you get married and annoyed you with their story. (i am sorry, I don't know if people is or isn't still think it is important to have relatives. Because i personally don't think so!). So, get your shit together, before you throw any shades against them. You not gonna die if you keep your mouth shut, right? Keep everything on your own mind, and try not to pissed anyone!
To be conclude this peaceful post, i wish everyone whom own KTP DKI Jakarta to use your voice wisely. And for outsider, the people who don't live or own KTP DKI, just... maybe... try... shut up!
To be conclude this peaceful post, i wish everyone whom own KTP DKI Jakarta to use your voice wisely. And for outsider, the people who don't live or own KTP DKI, just... maybe... try... shut up!