7 Types of Women That You Meet in Your Life, And Keep it Inner Circle Till The End of Time
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source: refinery29.com |
Since i got super inspired with all #WomenMarch spirit, i would like to join with sharing some knowledge about women that i know and i love and i respect since i meet them and maybe forever. If you know me, i never claimed myself as a feminist. Not because i am against it. On contrary, i strongly agree with every single word that Emma Watson said in the UN podium of 2015 or Chimamada Ngozi Adizie speech in Beyonce's Flawless song. But i just feel we don't need the terms of feminist anymore, because every gender in 2017 should and have to be a feminist. I believe in equal right not because i am feminist, but because i am human. I believe we should vote for their intellectual and their capacity not by their race or religion (oh, what related issue to my own city election). Okay, i am losing track now!
So, anyway, after this 26 years of living, this is seven type of women i met in a way and inspiring me (in her own way):
1. The Mother Kind
You mother is absolute women that you need to keep in your life inner circle. But as long as you grow, there is always a women, a mother type. They always give you life lesson, an advise that you need to make your life easier. Is not because they are older than you, but what they just have been through just make them wiser and caring. I, sometimes, need them, more than my own mother. Not because i am not trust my mother judgement, but i just feel to shy to tell such a problem. Like virginity talk, something about masturbation, or a very wrong guy that i just date! Those such things can not be heard to your Asia mother. No matter how liberal and chill they look to us!
2. The Cool Girl
Before i talk about this kind a girl, let me ecplain what is "Cool Girl" according to Google.
Urban dictionary: A girl who is not a girlfriend. Shares interests with, hangs with, and (optionally) sleeps with a man she is interested in. Inevitably, she becomes a 'cool girl' and becomes ineligible for girlfriend status. Is often beleived to be lesbian on first glance.
Mamamia.com.au: The 'Cool Girl' is the epitome of what the man in front of her wants. A Cool Girl is laid back, never gets angry when he doesn't call and loves all the things her man loves while being trophy-level sexy.
Well, anything that you believe on cool girl, i assure you, that you will met these kind of girl once in your life. She embodied everything you want to be. They have chill effect, life is easy no matter what happen. Carpe Diem. Everything! You need this kind of women in your life because you need someone to show you that its okay to make mistake. That is okay to not so hard on yourself. That's okay to show your feeling!
3. The Teacher
In this stage of life, i believe we all are here to learn everyday. From school, to college, and then real life. No, just because you go to college, you are not master of life. You learn life from people. SOme people will ditch you, hurt you, broke your heart, back stab you, but sometimes, there is people that will teach you. They just like a mother, but they wont stop you to do the wrong things. In my case, i met them in one of office workspace. I can not tell you exactly what they told me, but in one sentence i got well trained, "How to be a Bitch". it useless knowledge for me now. I feel i am to old for those lesson. But, it nice to learn that!
4. The Broken People
There is nothing more satire but truth voice that you will able to hear rather than people who just been broken, idealistically! Some people see them as the pessimist, the cancer of society. I see these kind of women quit interesting. I can see that this world not as great as people talking about. Is not as colorful as they seems. Hang out with them make you realistic. Its okay to have hope, but dont get too dramatic when it didn't happen.
5. The Activist
I strongly believe that this world more colorful because some of us life our lives as an activist. Because i am sorry, but your perfect life, a married with kids and just trying to survive before slowly dying-story life is just fucking boring. An also, women with idealistic view make you confident that there is changing in our life. Even you don't always agree on these kind of people, you will always enjoy them as your company.
7. The Happy Maker
Happiness only happen when it shared. There is people that might be can not give life lesson that you need, or cool attitude to show off, but with them you just feel excited and happy. It might be because you have same wave length or hobby. Any way, this people always give you good vibe only!
Sometimes, you meet all of this qualification in one person or two. But anyway, as someone that has been entitled to be called an adult women, i think its important to women support others. Not to bashing or trashing other gender. But to empowering the weak to be strong, to be friends with a loner. As my favorite main bitch Michelle Obama said "When they go low, we go high". Be classy, educated, and well-mannered women!