10 Thing We Usually Tell to Women And Has To Stop in 2017
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from +Refinery29 |
26 years living as a women (check out my bra and pants, yup still women) its been... interesting! Not only biologically but environmentally. And 2017 was began with #WomenMarch and then so many people seems (only seems) more aware about women rights, and then Emma Watson is being Bella in beauty and the Beast valued as empowering women (i...hfff... i don't know, i better not say a word). So, i think women is actually in progressive power. And since progressive means we being progress, and it means changing, so, i would like to share some of our words that we usually tell to women that need to end this year! Here is mine:
1. "When i was your age, i was already married with two kids"
So.... should i say... congratulation? then give you an awards or something? I even don't know why people keep say these things to me. Are those things suppose to make me feel jealous or pity? I mean, is good, you were lucky when you find your loved ones in the young age (i would like to assume all the people that choose to married because they in love with their spouse. Because, i have no time to argue with in denial people that said 'love can be nurture after you married and have kids.' SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP). But, since we already in 2017, lets not take a lifetime commitment as competition, shall we? Lets not measure people happiness by age or any time form. And, how about, we put married as personal choice of living rather than lifetime achievement. Deal?
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What is really bothered me, patriarchy is not always came from men. Sometimes women can be super patriarchy with very wrong reason. (pict from +Refinery29) |
Because my friend, i love being educated. I love to know things. I love to know something scientifically (not by assumption or even worse opinion) and gather with people who had same interest with me. Do i will make something difference with my degree? Will i be minister or president with my degree? Maybe i will, maybe i wont. But one thing for sure, if someday i have a kids or got a chance to teach future generation, at least i know something deep enough. Not only from its skin but understanding something fundamentally. Because, that whats happen to today generation, they feel enough with a piece of information without knowing or understand where it stand, why its there, they are lack of empathy and always full of bullshit. So, to respond to you, yes my friend, i'll be in the kitchen. But we will have plenty things to talk about and have fruitful discussion in my kitchen. no one leave my kitchen with empty stomach or even worse empty heart and brain.
3. "Women can not lead, they are lack of stamina"
I admitted. Women bodies were not design to be always in 100% great function for 24/7 and 365 days. We get sick, tired, and emotionally unstable once a month. Our mind were not working correctly when we pregnant. But that doesn't mean we can not think logically. Our ability to pay attention in detail and analytic as good or even way more better than men. That's why we are so goddamn good in administration. We are capable of doing more than one things in one time. We are great communicator and always had warmth side. Yes, things will be different if we having women as leader. How's things work will be not the same with male leader. But it doesn't mean we can not reach the same goal. Some of us even capable to achieve more than man. Check out more about these topic from my girl Ariana Huffington. She is fire!
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from +Refinery29 |
4. "Women emotionally weaker than man"
Yeah! This bullshit should be end in 2017 because this is proven irrelevant anymore. My babes Angela Merkel can teach you something!
But, nonetheless, we currently living in the era of racism, violent, civil gun shot, terror attack, possibility of world war. Don't you think little empathy and slightly emotion are needed right now? The world is need women to warmth this cold cold situation. Because as far as i know, women always choose non violent and peaceful solution whatever it takes!
5. "Women look better with their smile"
Dude, so do you! We sick and tired look at that grumpy-demanding-face every day! And also, put some cologne's on, your smell disgusting!

6. "Don't too ambitious on your career honey, you will threat the man"
I got my first six month before i graduated college. Every since that, my family warn me to not ambitious with my career. To be honest, i dont. I am not the person who had always ambitious to be number one and get a lot of awards, no i am not. But, since people to warn me how bad is to have ambition, that's the only things i want to do. When i have a job (even the one that i don't like), i want to be that be the best job i have done. I don't want to waste my time, i always feel like to productive. And i am sorry, if that threat the man, well, maybe next time dont warn a girl to stop being ambitious but support a man to as productive as he could! Instead of, tell us to stop being ambitious in our career, how about to tell your man to be more competitive. My girl Beyonce can schooled you about this!
7. "Why you so sensitive? Is it time of the month?"
Just because i said something that makes you uncomfortable (maybe i just fact checking or not laugh on your stupid jokes) doesn't mean i am being sensitive bitch. No, its not time of the month. Is very often, people (not only men) are assuming women being sensitive because women doesn't do what they expect. You were expecting women always give respond as you want. Sometimes, women act snarky because what you said its really dumb and sexist. So, instead of attacking women for being too sensitive, maybe you need to look at yourself (or maybe a session with therapist) 'am i just say something horrible?'. 'are the word that just come out of my mouth are appropriate?'. Thaaaaaat will be more helpful.
8. "Don't get offended. If they catcalling you, it means you are good looking"
Hey! You think i am cute? You think i am hot? Well, you know what, tell me personally. Don't catcalling me when you surrounded by your crew. And yes, of course i feel offended. How the hell i am not? You and your squad see women and get entertain by that, what do you think i am a stripper? (yeah, do that in strip club, at least you already pay for you 'entertainment'.) Yes, of course, women don't like being your object of public amuse. And who the hell was like it? Imagine yourself, walking peacefully, and group of women calling you hot and want to see your dicks out? Do you still think thats fun? Nothing fun with public harassment. And one more thing, this is 2017, is that your way to flirt? Don't compliment our look that's from God and we don't do anything about it. Compliment our brilliant brain and our bravery to walk every single day side by side in the world that you claimed as "Man's World" and survive.
9. "Can you wear something pretty?"
Dude, this is pretty. With or without any clothes on, this is pretty! And also, when we go out together, i am not there to be your extra decoration. No! You want to brag about me to your friends, good! Tell them all the things that make us fall in love, tell them about how crazy talented i am, how funny i am, but not how sexy i could be. No! If you want something pretty to brag about, get a diamond watch or buy an expensive car. I don't care!
10. "Wow, are your husband okay since you makes more money than him?"
Yes, we are okay! And so should you and entire society. I always believe money can come from any sources. It can come from the mom or the dad or both. And in 2017, please no more judge who make money better. Live in 2017 already expensive and hard enough without your stupid judgement. Unless you give us money every time you tell unnecessary comment about our lifestyle, you have no right to tell us what to do!